About Us

Vision Statement

To foster the development of a nation free of corruption and governed by persons in public life who are imbued with the highest standard of integrity.

Mission Statement

The Integrity Commission will promote integrity in governance by providing effective oversight of the administration of public functions in order to encourage transparency in transactions, and maintain legal compliance by persons in public life and other public officials so that public institutions will be free of corruption, and so that the highest standards of honesty, equity and fairness will be observed in the use of public resources and in the distribution of benefits for the welfare of the people of our nation.

Integrity Commission's Prayer

We stand before you, Holy Spirit
Conscious of our imperfections
but aware that we gather in your name.

Come to us, remain with us
Enlighten our hearts and give us light and strength
So that all our decisions may be
Just and fair and in accordance with our Oath of Office.

Guide us by your wisdom,
Support us by your power,
for you are God,
Sharing the glory of Father and Son.

You desire justice for all:
Enable us to uphold the rights of others,
Do not allow us to be misled by ignorance
or corrupted by fear or favour.
Unite us to yourself in the bond of love
and keep us faithful to all that is true.