As mandated by section 48 of the Integrity in Public Office 2003, the Integrity Commission has submitted its Sixth Annual Report for the past operational year to the Minister for Legal Affairs. The Minister is required to table the Report in the House of Assembly not later than three months following its receipt.
The Sixth Annual Report highlights the activities of the Commission over the period September 1, 2013 to August 31, 2014. It includes information on how the 157 persons in public life for calendar year 2013 complied with section 14 of the Act which requires them to file declarations of income, assets and liabilities with the Commission. The report also provides updates on a couple of pending court matters to which the Commission is party.
In April of this year, Ms. Indira St. Jean joined the Commission replacing Mr. Davidson Bruney as the nominee of the Leader of the Opposition. Commencing their second three-year terms on the Commission in April and July of this year were Attorneys at law and former Attorneys General, Henry Dyer and Anthony La Ronde. Mr. Dyer was the nominee of the Dominica Bar Association and Mr. La Ronde, the nominee of the Leader of the Opposition. The full Commission comprises seven members.